Baptism is a powerful, one-off way in which followers of Jesus are marked out as belonging to him. At HTSB, we gladly baptise people of any age who are committed followers of Jesus and regular members of our church. We offer sprinkling for infants and full immersion for older kids, youth and adults.
If you or your children are committed followers of Jesus, but not members of our church, don’t let that put you off!
If you wouldn’t describe yourself a committed follower of Jesus, but are keen to mark in church the gift of your child, we have just the thing for you – a Ceremony of Thanksgiving. It’s a great chance to come to church and join with us in celebrating the life of your child, without making a commitment to be in church every Sunday thereafter!
The Ceremony of Thanksgiving is also used by committed Christians who want to celebrate the gift of a child and, for theological reasons, would prefer their baptism be delayed until later in life.
Contact us and one of our pastoral team would love to get in touch to explore this with you.