Vision and Values
If you wanted our vision in a simple sentence it would be:
Beginning with us, we long to see Sittingbourne transformed one life at a time by Jesus.
Every family has distinctive behaviours or characteristics that mark it out. The church family of HTSB is just the same.
We would describe ourselves as Charismatic Evangelicals, meaning that we believe in the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, and the authority of the Bible’s narrative and teaching. Or to put it more simply, we are a “Spirit and Word” church!
We subscribe to the core tenets of the Christian faith as set out in the historic creeds of the Church, and summarised neatly in both the Church of England Evangelical Council and Evangelical Alliance statements of faith.
If you hang around us, you’ll notice we do, talk and invest in 3 things a great deal...
Encounter through Sung Worship
When we worship the Lord together through music and singing, be it in large or small settings, we expect him to touch our lives. We believe worship is two-way thing – we give honour to God and he brings transformation to us.
Honest Relationships in Community
We’ve found that people come to our church for a host of reasons... but they will stay for one: that they have made friends. When Jesus commanded us to “love our neighbour as ourselves” (Luke 10v27) we think he had a sincere relational commitment in mind. We place a high value on honest friendships, both within and beyond the life of our church family.
Courageous Evangelism
Commissioned by Jesus to “go and make disciples of nations” (Matt 28v19) we have a relentless desire to communicate the message of Jesus’ salvation to any and everyone! This can be tough in a culture that warms to the message of Father God’s Welcome, but often recoils at the message of his Transformation.