Weekly Newsletter
Dear Church Family
Another week has passed and the days are getting longer! It always gladdens my heart when I can sense the imminent arrival of Spring – a season so filled with hope and the promise of new life. I am reminded too that our God is a God of hope and that in Jesus we can really know that hope in our lives every day.
On Tuesday at Staff Meeting Mike also reminded us of the gift of hope when he led our worship time with Romans 15:13: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. There’s such a wonderful promise in this one verse that, as we place our trust in God, He does an amazing work of filling us with joy, peace and an overflow of hope!
As we welcome the ministry of the Holy Spirit, we will see our lives, our attitudes and the situations we face change, be transformed more and more into the pattern of God’s Kingdom. And that’s great news for all of us! When we look around our world, we see lots of situations where hope has been eroded and peace and joy have been lost; where people find it hard to trust in one another and where they have turned their back on God. We live in a fallen and broken world BUT in Jesus we have hope! He alone is the hope of this world, not powerful human leaders, not those who are rich and greedy, but only Jesus! As we have been reminded over these weeks, as disciples of Jesus our trust and our hope are in Him alone! Let’s remember the equation JESUS + NOTHING = EVERYTHING!
Here are some things we thought you’d like to know:
We can now confirm that Jean Randerson’s funeral will be at 1pm on Friday, 7th March in Church. All are welcome
Just a reminder that the Love Laughter Lunch café is back at midday on Wednesday, 26th February; and Wigglers Stay and Play return at 10am on Thursday, 27th February.
Lent starts on Wednesday, 5th March. If you haven’t chosen your Lent reading yet, why not read John’s Gospel to prepare for our next sermon series?
Thank you very much for your generous donations to Swale Foodbank! As ever, the Foodbank team welcome all suitable donations but are in particular need of washing-up liquid, toilet rolls, shower gel and deodorants.
With love and prayers,
Ann and the Staff Team