Join in the fun with Wigglers Baby and Toddler Group!
Every Thursday in term-time from 10am until 11:45, we meet at Holy Trinity for a fun-filled session.
We are a group for 0-5 year-olds who come along to play and have fun with their parent, carer, grandparent, adult friend (we don't mind as long as you're an adult and have permission to bring the child!)
We have a variety of toys, trikes and play equipment, where your toddler can play with other children and have lots of fun.
We have a craft activity each week, and an active singing time.
It’s a great opportunity for you to meet other parents/grandparents/carers, as well as your child enjoying the experience.
Each session costs just £3.00 per family (childminders - £3 for first child, £1 for each additional child), which includes all play activities, drinks and snacks (for adult and child).